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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hespeler or Inno

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After completely reading the "Inno 1100s for $50 USD" topic, I am strongly considering buying the tapered, regular flex shaft that is being sold for $59.99. However, after reading the entire topic, it appears that I might end up with a Hespeler shaft, painted over. I have located a Hespeler KickLite composite shaft at Perani's for half what is being asked for the Inno shaft. I know it's all PP but my question is which shaft would be considered a higher end shaft and why? I'm looking for a durable shaft that is still fairly light (around the 300g range). Also, if anyone has any experience with either shaft, which one will provide better performance, though durability and weight are more important to me. I guess my point is, why pay twice as much for something that may be the same thing. Also, I prefer more of a radius shaft shape and am curious if either shaft are more rectangular in shape or if they are more radiused. Thanks in advance for everyones advice.

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I don't recall if the kicklite was based on the 9009 or 9010 shaft. I thought the prokick was based on the 9010 and the kicklite was based on the 9010 but I could be wrong.

The 9010 based stick was lighter and essentially an inno 1100 with the 0, or oval, shaft shape. The 9009 based model was a little more boxy and based on the Inno 2000 if I remember correctly. The 9009 was like an Easton ultralight but a little more bulky.

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Chadd, so do you think that the prokick is based on the 9010 or is it the kicklite? If it's the kicklite, it sounds like that may be my next shaft

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i've used the kicklite low(might have been a prokick low), 9010, 9009, inno 1100, montreal 5500

they are all the same... imho

kicklite from what i know is a softer flex 9010 which is a 0 shaped inno 1100

so the real question is if you want the polar wrap or not..

at that price you cant go wrong with the kicklite low

the low kick is an 80-85 flex stick and the midkick is 100 flex

also there is a montreal 5500 available on the sell board

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I had 3 of the Hespelers I think they were the Kicklite lows, the ones that were really boxy. Honestly I never really used them. They weren't bad or anything, but I just always had better sticks to use.

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Were they all polar wrapped or will it say it in the add, if it is? Because the add makes no mention of a polar fibre wrap. Only that it is a "compression molded Kevlar/Graphite shaft with Diamond Kevlar weave".

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never seen a tapered hespeler anything...

i meant if you want polar fibre you have to get the inno

other wise you get the hespeler

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Thanks for all the help about the KickLites. After further research, the KickLites are the ones that are rectangular in shape and the ProKicks are the ones that are more oval. Since I prefer a shaft that is more oval, I passed on the KickLites. However, after doing several searches on this site, it appears that the old Hespeler's are pretty much the same as Inno's but just painted different (please correct me if I'm wrong there). So now I've found a Hespeler F4 Matrix for under $30 and I'm thinking that if its at all like an Inno Novius, that's a pretty good buy. The only problem is, I shoot right and all of the shafts are left-handed. The guy on the phone said all I have to do is flip the shaft upside down so the graphics run the wrong way and it'll work fine. My question though is, won't this affect the kick-point in the shaft or is the spine basically the kick-point for the shaft? Also, are both ends of the shaft the same shape so that either end can accept wood plugs or blades or is that also "hand" specific? To answer Golfpuck's question, I don't want a shaft that has the polar fiber wrap either.

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I had an F4 as well. Come to think of it, I've owned a hell of a lot of their stuff. Think of flipping the shaft this way:

if you shoot lefty one of the "fat" sides of the shaft will be facing the target and one will be pointing the other way. If you turn (or spin) the shaft around so the side that was facing forward is now facing back, the side with the insert is now in the correct position for a RH to shoot with.

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I have no problem with the "flipping" of the shaft. I just want to make sure that either end of the shaft are the same and after I "flip" it, will it still accept the blade and the wood plug on the end in order to fit it to length. I guess what I'm saying is, if I buy the leftty shaft and flip it backwards, will it still perform like its supposed to for me as a righty? Also, did you consider it to be a good, quality shaft? Not too heavy?

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I have no problem with the "flipping" of the shaft. I just want to make sure that either end of the shaft are the same and after I "flip" it, will it still accept the blade and the wood plug on the end in order to fit it to length. I guess what I'm saying is, if I buy the leftty shaft and flip it backwards, will it still perform like its supposed to for me as a righty? Also, did you consider it to be a good, quality shaft? Not too heavy?

If you put the handle at the bottom, you don't get the benefit of the extra stiffness in the spine. If you turn it around, it will perform the same as a RH shaft.

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OK, I think I understand. I don't have to flip the shaft upside down and use the other end, just flip (spin) the blade the other way in the bottom of the shaft, correct? So there's really no righty or lefty shaft, it just depends on how the graphics are painted on which determine if it's considered a righty or lefty shaft, right?

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