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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Pro Stock Sticks

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Just got a pro stock 6k OPS from a kid in the AHL today. It has no name on the nameplate, so I figured it was a pro stock stick. Suprisingly, it has a sticker on the bottom of the stick saying the warranty was void if it was removed. I thought there was no warranty on pro stock sticks (a synergy grip this kid gave me clearly said PRO STOCK-NO WARRANTY). So if anyone could help that would be sweet.

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Yea I have a couple too. The stick is definitely pro stock as there is no retail 6K one piece. There is not a warranty for the public, but there is some kind of deal in place between the AHL and THC where they are replaced on a one for one basis I believe.

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Are you sure there's no retail 6K one-piece? I saw some at the LHS today and I don't think they have pro stock sticks very often at that one store, seen a few Synergys and Vectors at times but that's it.

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That sticker is a warranty for the AHL. If that sticker is removed the warranty is void. The equipment manager records the number from the sticker and if it's broke the rep comes once a month and collects the broken sticks. He checks the then number on the stick and if it corresponds with that team. The team gets X amount of sticks and if the sticker is removed than there is one less stick, or in other words they don't "refund" it for the team. If the team goes over the amount they get then the team has to start paying in excess of what the contract with THC is. Hope I helped. Cheers

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Thanks, guys, for answering my question. Taking a closer look at it, it looks like it may be a two piece painted to look like an OPS. Not sure what thats about, though.

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As Dan said, they have to record the amount of broken sticks that each particular team breaks, report it to the THC rep, and they get X number of sticks. Try to go to an AHL game and grab one, they will hunt you down like a Christmas Turkey

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As Dan said, they have to record the amount of broken sticks that each particular team breaks, report it to the THC rep, and they get X number of sticks. Try to go to an AHL game and grab one, they will hunt you down like a Christmas Turkey

Actually funny story, I was shadowing the Rochester Amerks (AHL) equipment manager. So this guy walks in and goes "everything running ok in here?" and we're like "yeah just fine". I was helping the E.M. with a shipment of new 6k's that had just come in and one package had been cut open and a stick was missing. The E.M. is flipping out about it and asking anyone if they had opened their stick packages before he saw. Everyone had no idea where it went. I looked outside the locker room and the guy who came in earlier asking if everything was ok had one in his hand. I see the E.M. run over to him and start yelling and then his face turned all red as he walked back with the stick. It was a security gaurd who had taken the stick to show the owner what they looked like and the E.M. had interupted him during his "presentation". They really will hunt you down. :lol:

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in like december i went to a soundtigers game because i got free tickets,and i went early, there was like 3 people in the stands and the glass was so low that i could reach over it,i saw a bunch of lefty 6ks, I was tempted to take a couple and out of nowhere came the equipment manager on the bench,Im glad i didnt take one because I would of probally got in a shit load of trouble.

I did ask him though for one.

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