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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Creaking Skates

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Hi, I'm skating on some Nike V Force and they are starting to creak when I'm walking around. Could it be that there's something wrong with the outsole? Should I be worried about it breaking into 2? :(

Are there any remedies?


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When my Pure Fly's began to creak it was because the rivets had begun to loosen. The creaking was the holder rubbing against the outsole.

See if you can move the front of the holder side to side.

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When my Pure Fly's began to creak it was because the rivets had begun to loosen. The creaking was the holder rubbing against the outsole.

See if you can move the front of the holder side to side.

My S500s do that every few months and I just pop them on the riveter and add a little more pressure and they're fine.

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My s500s have been doin that for a while and Ive just ignored it. Are there any quick fixs?

The solution I mentioned above takes 2 minutes at most, that is a quick fix.

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Does that noise actually a problem, or is it just an annoyance? My S400s do that sometimes but I thought it was the blades.

If you ignore it long enough it may cause a problem. Just ask your local pro shop to re-seat the rivets. They DO NOT have to replace them.

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