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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

Anyone in need of cheap gloves?

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These are on sale for $19.99: http://www.hockeygiant.com/dbgoagloicon.html

I know they're lacross gloves, but a buddy of mine has used lacrosse gloves before in hockey, and his looked just as protective as regular ones (the fingers were far more nimble than normal gloves). These ones look similarly protective. Might be a reasonable try for those on a budget (besides, it has been well established that hockey players like De Beers.... mostly after De Games..... but.... ;))

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i've seen lacrosse gloves before and thought they looked sweet they look pretty nimble too!

does anybody here use them or know if normal player locrosse golves are decently protected

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In my experience lacrosse gloves tend to be very flexible, but quite a bit less dense and protective than hockey gloves. The foam is usually lighter and thinner than hockey gloves, and many lacrosse gloves do not come with a hard plastic thumb (although this pair does, goalie gloves). If you're playing non check rec hockey, you'll probably notice very little difference, other than the lacrosse gloves might be lighter and more flexible. But if you're playing contact or see any kind of stickwork, I'd go for a pair of hockey gloves, even if they aren't top of the line. From my experiences, the stickchecks and contact in lacrosse do not come close to the contact of a decent slash from a hockey stick (although there were times when I wished my lacrosse gloves had a hard thumb). A hockey stick is just a lot more solid than a lacrosse stick, and skilled lacrosse players use a stickcheck to dislodge the ball from their opponents' sticks. Two different sports and I think both have good specialized equipment. And with all the models available in hockey gloves, you're probably looking at very little weight difference between hockey and lacrosse gloves.

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i've seen lacrosse gloves before and thought they looked sweet they look pretty nimble too!

does anybody here use them or know if normal player locrosse golves are decently protected


that basically said it all except that the palms on lacrosse gloves usually have alot of mesh, unlike hockey gloves

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