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Core workouts ,easy weight gain

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are there any good core workouts i can do without a fit ball or balance board? what are some ways can i easilly gain weight without crazy drugs?

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having the word easy in your vocabulary is the first step to failure. Gaining weight is a bitch and takes a ton of work and dedication. Eat alot, 6 meals a day of all clean fuel ie) chicken, steak, whole grains. You need to be consuming more calories than you burn, supplemented with a ton of lifting.

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If possible get a pass to the gym.

If not then do a LOT of push ups, chin ups, and sit ups. If you can, search the internet for a leg workout using only resistance(no weight) ,if you find it post on here I need one for holidays. As for weight gain just eat,sound like a chliche but that is all the advice I can give you. I am looking to gain a few LBS too. How long does it take the majority of you guy or is everybody different??

Here is an example core workout if you want one.

-Sit-Ups 4 sets,30 reps

-Twists 4 sets,1:00 min. Fast and slow rotations. (use anything with weight when it gets easy.)

-Leg raises 4 sets,30 reps

-Supermans 4 sets,1:00 min.

-Bridge 4 sets,2:00 min (Lower back)

-Crunches 4 sets, hold as long as possible with feet in air.

Core you can work hard everyday. I like to eat about 6 eggs after each workout. But I'm doing more then core so that is up to you.

Hope this helps,


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hey thanks sniper ,ill try to find the leg workout because im just as curious as you are so when i find it ill post it ,what are twists? oblique twists?

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well when i was in weight training at school and had a fit ball to use id do lots of oblique twists ,i basically would do a crunch but twist an face the left or right at the end ,these gave me very quick results.

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Protein shakes help a lot, I'm not sure if you consider that a crazy drug or not though..

And they taste so good!

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Do you want to work out for hockey or for general conditioning because if you train for hockey, train hockey specific not general conditioning which is not necessary good for hockey.

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