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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Live 8

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why is sam roberts on this tour? im all for reuniting big bands, playign for agood cause, but sam roberts? aside from me hating the guy personally (funny story), why is he on live8?

how can you disagree with sam roberts being there while celine dion and jann arden were performing. get your priorities straight before you bash sam roberts. i can understand why they had the african bands cuz it was to support and raise money for africa but celine dion and jann arden. i was at the concert and it was pretty good, lots of good rock music from deep purple, bachman and neil young and best of all it was free and im not one about to bash free shit.

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can the bands be any older? MTV was once a cool station to watch but now it seems they only show the "real world 100000000000000".

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I've been watching the VH1 coverage all day as they're showing multiple songs from some of the artists.

Anyway, while watching the Pink Floyd set I said "Holy shit, David Gilmour looks like an older Mats Sundin." My wife overheard me and said "You're right." That's when I remembered why I put up with her crap the rest of the time. She knows more about hockey than she realizes.

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