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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Fusion

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Has anyone tried this stick yet (the elite or the fiber)? Is is comparible to the z-carbon or more like the bauer 6000? How is the durability?

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Is that the one with stick 'um grip? I think the one i saw was the elite and it was very light and the blade looked very durable.

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Is that the one with stick 'um grip? I think the one i saw was the elite and it was very light and the blade looked very durable.

yes i think it does have the stick'um

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im pritty sure they had one of those blades at my lhs(im not sure if it was the fibre or elite though) it seemed a bit on the heavy side.

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they are sticks not blades,and actually they are one of the lightest wooden sticks out right now, you might of saw the 6000 woody which has stick'um and is pretty heavy

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they are sticks not blades,and actually they are one of the lightest wooden sticks out right now, you might of saw the 6000 woody which has stick'um and is pretty heavy

but the stick'um on the 6000 peeled off after like a game

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The stick'um may not stick really well to the wood or fiberglass on the stick, either that or the grip was not applied correctly by the manufacturer.

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The stick'um may not stick really well to the wood or fiberglass on the stick, either that or the grip was not applied correctly by the manufacturer.

I had 3 of them and they all did that. I dont think it sticks well.

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