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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade tennons

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Can anyone do me a favor and give me the dimensions of both a standard and a tapered tennon (the part that goes into the shaft)? Im not at home and need them......thanks :) I need Length, Width and Height

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These are the measurements for ours. The glue adds to the thickness, so I measured the interior of the shaft, then sanity checked against the blades.

Standard: 2.5 cm Long x 1.5 cm Wide x 7.5 cm Deep

Taper Flex: 2.6 cm Long x 1.3 cm Wide x 6 cm Deep


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standard-height(3"),length(1"),width(about 10/16")

tapered-H(3"),L(1"),W(1/2" or 8/16")

Those are the same measurements that I got (other than the length of the tapered tenon).

This for our little side project?

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Cool. Then you'll want to make the blade receptical a tad longer (say, by 1/8 of an inch) to make room for glue. Also, it can't be a "sealed" chamber, or you won't be able to put the blade in.

Also, the tapered tenon can be shorter - say, 2.75 inches.

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I'm not sure you'd need to make the receptacle deeper to account for glue. It was easiest to measure the interior diameter of the shaft, then confirm that measurement against the blade itself. So, the measurements I've given are actually shaft measurements.

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