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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapered blade

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Bauer has an Intermediate Tapered blade, I think TPS only has Sr. and Jr., and if you did buy the R2XN10, any tapered blade of the size you would need would fit it except for an intermediate Synthesis. What kind of shaft do you have or are you looking to get?

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TPS int shafts use one of the R2 blades they already make, either jr or sr so there is no need to make an INT specific blade. Mission does the same thing, they use jr for their int blades.

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Right. But for Mission, cant you use senior blades too? Because that's what my 7500 is, and we got it to fit.

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I just bought a R2xn10 whip flex but i got an old Int. Synthesis but the blade cracked and don't wanna waste it but i wanna find something like the bauer lindros curve so bauer make int. tapered blades?

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I just bought a R2xn10 whip flex but i got an old Int. Synthesis but the blade cracked and don't wanna waste it but i wanna find something like the bauer lindros curve so bauer make int. tapered blades?

No, they do not.

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Right. But for Mission, cant you use senior blades too? Because that's what my 7500 is, and we got it to fit.

No, a senior tapered blade desn't fit an int L2 unless you overheat the shaft and jam the blade in, deforming the shaft in the process.

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So does that means a int. synthesis blade can fit into a int. L2 shaft?

No, intermediate Synthesis blades will only fit Intermediate Synthesis shafts, sort of like what rausch27 said...

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