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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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T-flex blade+L-2= good or bad?

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Do t-flex blades fit L-2's? I was just wondering because I had just purchased a pair intended for my L-2. If they dont will they fit a normal shaft?

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um, i personally wouldnt reccomend using a t-flex blade unless all you do to shorten the shaft is remove the butt-end. t-flex blades arent too easy to obtain right now, and if you cut your shaft, your going to be stuck with a short shaft when you go back to using regular short-hosel tapered blades. so make sure you consider that first...

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does anyone know the dimensions for a t-flex blade? Particularly the length from the heel to the part of incertion(sp)?

17 cm or 6 3/4 inches from the heel to the beginning of the tenon on mine.

For comparison, my Bauer 7500 tapered blade is 10 cm or 4 inches.

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