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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Popping Out Bearings

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Guys I am having trouble getting bearings out of my old wheels to put into my new ones. What do you guys do and what works best cause right now its just pissing me off to the point where I might return the new wheels cause I cant get the old bearings out and cant afford new ones. Thanks a lot!

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I have a little tool that helps me pop out the bearings. The tool came with the skates I bought and is specific to popping out the bearings. You can probably get one at your lhs.

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I have a little tool that helps me pop out the bearings. The tool came with the skates I bought and is specific to popping out the bearings. You can probably get one at your lhs.

Ditto. I have one too. Most hockey shops sell them.

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Use the tool, works well, and does not harm the bearing

if you trying prying it out, you could damage the bearing

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take an allen wrench. something that will fit in the whole or the bearing, and then take the hook part and stick it in between the bearings. then just turn it until you will be able to get a good grip so you can just pull the bearing right out

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that was my old method and it worked for a while...damaged the beairngs a little so i think ill start trying some of these new ideas

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The pro tool is probably the best way to go - there's a picture of one on that e-puck page. The top prong (in the picture on e-puck) has a hat with an phillips screwdriver on it - you use that to reach in a pull out the bearing. It distributes the load better than a screwdriver or allen key, so much less chance of damaging the bearing.

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Dont spend money on the tool when you can just simply pop the bearing out. I was in the exact same situation as you, new to roller hockey and brought new wheels and the guys at my sport check were gonna charge me 20 dollars to remove the bearings and install new wheels. So I did it myself, just take about anything that is narrow but wont go through the hole and pop it out, use a little strength and slowly apply more until it pops out, the last thing you want to do is jab at the bearing violently. After poping them out you should be able to just place the bearings into your new wheels, if you have trouble getting the bearing into the new wheel just use a hammer with slight force tap it till it fits.

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The Sonic Pro-Tool popper can be used to get both types of spacers and is worth the 10 bucks it costs easily. SO much easier to use.

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