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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Canada Post

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anyone else finding really slow service withe canada post lately?

i traded shaft with a member on this board and we shipped to each other 2 weeks ago now and still niether has arrived is that wierd?? we are only 4 hours away from each other and in the same providence

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no no legodoom(i am still waiting ) but i am talking about a trade i made with dan the man we live just 4hrs apart and traded shafts an so far after this long were still waiting

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It does take forever. You're lucky you guys aren't shipping over the border or it'll be more like 3-5 weeks. I got something off of some guy in Toronto (I'm in Vancouver) from ebay and it took 3 1/2 weeks.

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I know I got very frustrated trading with Buzz, not at all was it Buzz, but Canada post screwed up getting stuff to him. There was a lost package about 6 months ago and I made a trade with him a week ago as well, this time I sent the package the friday of the trade (last friday) and I got it at my house tuesday saying they needed more funds. It ended up costing more (almost 50% more) to send this shaft than it did when I sent a whole OPS.

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Guest phillyfan

CP seems to be inconsistant, at other times, I'll get a package within days, then a week later, it'll take upwards of two weeks to arrive.

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