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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why do Inline Wheels have 2 bearings?

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Ok, I've been wondering why all wheels have 2 bearings? Is it because we need to have lateral support for the wheels?

I've been thinking...why can't we have single bearing wheels with a different spacer? Not sure if it'll work but it'll definitely help lose some weight.

Justin and the other wheel guys, any ideas?

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Im guessing it wouldnt work becuase the hweels are too thick for one bearing so if that were to work new thick bearings would have to be developed and i dont even think its possible with ball bearings. And honestly how much weight will be lost by taking off 8 bearings. Not even a pound would b elost so is there veen a point.

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And honestly how much weight will be lost by taking off 8 bearings. Not even a pound would b elost so is there veen a point.

i agree, the weight lost wud be quite minimal.... but every gram counts when making skates and stuff. thats why some companies use the mini bearings. you get 1 gram lighter than another company and you can market your skates as being the lightest skate out.

EDIT: sorry for bringing up and old topic.

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Wouldn't having only one bearing per wheel make it spin slower? Half the bearings would be responsible for supporting all your weight.

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