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Hespeler KickLite vs. Hespeler Patriot

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I am not to familiar with Hespeler but I need a backup stick and I am looking for something rather cheap. Do any of you guys know the details about these shafts?

Thanks four your help,


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Never seen a Patriot shaft, only an OPS. Didn't we just have a discussion about the kicklite last week?

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Didn't we just have a discussion about the kicklite last week?

That other discussion was something about the kick lite vs the pro kick low, and whether Inno made them or not......

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I had a pro stock hespeler patriot ops, same shaft as the one at thehockeyshop,and it broke right in half on me,I have never broken a shaft in my life other than the stealth, so I would go with the kicklite

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hard to judge the durability of a stick on one incident...the kicklite shaft has been very durable from what i've seen however

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It smells like an SMU to me. Isn't this the same place that was selling the crappy 1100's on ebay?

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To add in to all this patriot talk, I was told that they are a "True One" piece stick. Is this true?

No, you could easily see the fuse point on both of mine.

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What do you think of them (perfomance, etc)?

OPS were ok, I would bet these shafts have nothing to do with those though.

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What side do you shoot, right or left-handed? Perani's and 1800faceoff have the Hespeler F4 Matrix on sale for under $30. All they have is the 260 flex and left-handed. The shape of the shaft is double concave and it has a little bit of the polar fibre on the top of the shaft and also in the middle of the shaft (not much, though).

I shoot RH and just spun the shaft around so the boron spine is still on my backhand. The graphics are backwards but I could care less about that, as long as the shaft works. I just got mine in the mail last week and didn't use it in my game yesterday. I want to practice with it a little bit first. But if you're looking for something as a backup that's inexpensive, this might be something worth looking into, as it appears to be the "poor" man's version of the Innovative Novius.

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my patriot snaped in half as well

the kicklite is a sturdy stick

but i think the patriot may be lighter and give you better performance

i would agree with the F4

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What side do you shoot, right or left-handed? Perani's and 1800faceoff have the Hespeler F4 Matrix on sale for under $30. All they have is the 260 flex and left-handed. The shape of the shaft is double concave and it has a little bit of the polar fibre on the top of the shaft and also in the middle of the shaft (not much, though).

My F4 didn't have polarfiber. It was similar but different.

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I'd rather buy a wooden stick than any Hespeler OPS. I know a few people who had em and the broke within' like 2 weeks. They're not worth the money. Also they're not the lighest OPS out there.

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I'd rather buy a wooden stick than any Hespeler OPS. I know a few people who had em and the broke within' like 2 weeks. They're not worth the money. Also they're not the lighest OPS out there.

were talking about a shaft not an ops

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Besides the fact we are talking about a shaft, the OPS's sell for dirt cheap (compared to others) so I would never consider buying it for the best attributes in the buisness.

By the way, I bought two Kicklites, a mid flex and a low. I'll let you know how they are.

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I'd rather buy a wooden stick than any Hespeler OPS. I know a few people who had em and the broke within' like 2 weeks. They're not worth the money. Also they're not the lighest OPS out there.

were talking about a shaft not an ops


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I'd rather buy a wooden stick than any Hespeler OPS. I know a few people who had em and the broke within' like 2 weeks. They're not worth the money. Also they're not the lighest OPS out there.

My one patriot lasted me several months before I sold it and a buddy used the other for 2 years. The shafts on them were as durable as any other ops I've ever seen.

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Besides the fact we are talking about a shaft, the OPS's sell for dirt cheap (compared to others) so I would never consider buying it for the best attributes in the buisness.

By the way, I bought two Kicklites, a mid flex and a low. I'll let you know how they are.

Did you finally test them?? how do they feel??

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