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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno "30" designation?

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I just bought a Innovative tapered 1100 shaft today which was marked 30-300. I have yet to see the "30" on any Inno product. It's kind of concave on the sides. Is this what the "30" stands for?

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30 stands for the length, which means you have a tapered 1100 :) 24 is a standard shaft, 30 is longer, and just means its tapered

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30 stands for the length, which means you have a tapered 1100 :) 24 is a standard shaft, 30 is longer, and just means its tapered

Nope. No shock. With the blade it's the same size as a new uncut OPS. Thanks. I just thought the first # was for shaft shape and I had never seen a "30".

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yea i edited the post after re-reading your message. felt kind of stupid after that. but i think the shaft shape only varies on standard 1100 shafts

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i think they only mark 24 on the standard novius shafts....the standard 1100s have the shaft shape-flex....like 0-300, etc... ive never seen one with 24 on it

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i think they only mark 24 on the standard novius shafts....the standard 1100s have the shaft shape-flex....like 0-300, etc... ive never seen one with 24 on it

My standard Novius was a 24, double concave.

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i also belive that the 3 designates tapered, the 0 shaft shape. because if you look at a standard shaft usually it is marked 5/flex. i belive the 5 is a squared corners. 0 is rounded corners.

but i could be wrong

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i also belive that the 3 designates tapered, the 0 shaft shape. because if you look at a standard shaft usually it is marked 5/flex. i belive the 5 is a squared corners. 0 is rounded corners.

but i could be wrong

0 shape is like an Easton Cyclone, but bigger. The Hespeler 9010 was essentially an 1100 0 shape.

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