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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eagle glove pricing

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I have the pricing list for Eagles for 2005 from TheHockeyShop.com Email them and they'll gladly give you the prices. Make sure you ask for Canadian prices or else they give you everything in US$.

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i just did it and theyre 249.99 canadian if anyone else wants to know. thats....alot of dough ,can you get white vapour 30's?

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i just did it and theyre 249.99 canadian if anyone else wants to know. thats....alot of dough ,can you get white vapour 30's?

I was up in Canada the past two weeks and stopped in a few hockey shops. I was stunned at what they are charging for equipment. Robbery, considering I know what the cost of the stuff really is. Can't you just buy the gloves from a US dealer? I would think with shipping and customs, it has to be cheaper than you would pay in a store with GST/PST.

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i just did it and theyre 249.99 canadian if anyone else wants to know. thats....alot of dough ,can you get white vapour 30's?

I was up in Canada the past two weeks and stopped in a few hockey shops. I was stunned at what they are charging for equipment. Robbery, considering I know what the cost of the stuff really is. Can't you just buy the gloves from a US dealer? I would think with shipping and customs, it has to be cheaper than you would pay in a store with GST/PST.

actually store pricing from canada and america is different. so you cant really compare the prive diferences if you know the cost of stuff from the u.s. also its not really robbery the prices you see at most stores are the same. just online shops are cheaper because they have no overhead

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i just did it and theyre 249.99 canadian if anyone else wants to know. thats....alot of dough ,can you get white vapour 30's?

I was up in Canada the past two weeks and stopped in a few hockey shops. I was stunned at what they are charging for equipment. Robbery, considering I know what the cost of the stuff really is. Can't you just buy the gloves from a US dealer? I would think with shipping and customs, it has to be cheaper than you would pay in a store with GST/PST.

actually store pricing from canada and america is different. so you cant really compare the prive diferences if you know the cost of stuff from the u.s. also its not really robbery the prices you see at most stores are the same. just online shops are cheaper because they have no overhead

I doubt manufacturers sell their products to canadian retailers for more than they do US retailers. I buy a lot of products from Canadian wholesalers and I pay the same as the Canadians. Final sales Price is up to the retailer. They choose to sell them high, possibly because of demand factor.

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You're buying from a Canadian wholesaler...not the same as buying from the mfgr. Sogaduch is right - the pricing is different between Canada and the US.

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You're buying from a Canadian wholesaler...not the same as buying from the mfgr. Sogaduch is right - the pricing is different between Canada and the US.

I also buy same products from American wholesalers, who sell items for the exact same price as Canadian wholsalers. On many items the Canadian wholesaler prices are lower. Bottom line is, if I can by a ITECH visor for $20 from a Canadian wholesaler, and so can a Canadian retailer, but I sell it for $29.99 and he sells it for $49.99, the CDN retailer is making the price higher.

I also have had both CDN and US price lists from major manufacturers (that I got at trade shows), and have seen no major difference in wholsale pricing, other than exchange rate fluctuations.

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there is a difference man, a shop that we go through for sharpening stuff gets both cause there in windsor and the difference in stuff is totally different. like i know for the itech replacement visor for the hx/fx50 is like 30dollars. so there is a difference man.

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you think you guys have to pay a lot for equipment! u should try coming over to England! here a synergy sicore on SALE is £179.99 which equals about $320! and thats the cheapest you can get! TPS Adrenelines are £200 which is close to $400!

but oh well, were always gonna get rinsed when it comes to buying hockey kit.

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