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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taperflex Shaft

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Hi, all.

I have a question.

I have a taperflex 105 flex shaft, it feels more like a 100 or maybe 95.

Do sherwood sticks directly follow eastons rating? *(i dont see them on the flex chart so i assumed they did.)


Upon further use, it does seem to kick alot like a z-bubble if my memory serves me correctly, so it definately tapers like a Z-bub.

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Alot of companies have trouble nailing down flexes in general, but specifically tapered flexes. It's best to assume it will always be at least 5 less than marked on the shaft, for tapereds at least.

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I have a Stiff Flex Genesis which is 105 for easton, judged by our flex chart. It feels about right, the genesis and taperflex are both the same length and have the same blade in them.

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