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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle - "Oldest glove company in hockey?"

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Oh neato

*70th post of the day*

This is a useless post, delete if wanted, but 70 posts in a day isn't neccessarily something to be proud of. And only girls brag about post counts.

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That is funny...

and just to clarify....Mission was the first to use the Pro-Glo Material...Original Bilt-Rite Works gloves were available in Pro Glo....A few years before Eagle made it really popular....

yeah, i've got a couple pairs of bilt-rite pro glo gloves :)

damm i wish someone would follow me around like she did, as much as it seems like a stalker, it would make me feel famous or something :D

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It's amazing what people will post on the internet. Fletch, where did you find this site? Are you a fan of this guy as well?? :D


I was just researching Eagle gloves and came across it. I've never heard of that guy either...lol.

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Oh neato

*70th post of the day*

70 posts is probably too many. You really should make sure that your posts are meaningful, and that you aren't just posting just for the hell of it.

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I can't say if they're the oldest, but Forte in Montreal was established well before there gloves took the Eagle brand name. Before Eagle, they manufactured for the other companies and still do mostly for the pro models. I did a project for Forte last year, so I'm quite familiar with them.

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That is funny...

and just to clarify....Mission was the first to use the Pro-Glo Material...Original Bilt-Rite Works gloves were available in Pro Glo....A few years before Eagle made it really popular....

since when was the pro glo material ever popular. i dont see many peopl wearing the pro glo gloves, there awful. especially when ccm tried doing it with the radioactive line and i remember seeing easton air gloves that were pro glo, totally horrible.

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That is funny...

and just to clarify....Mission was the first to use the Pro-Glo Material...Original Bilt-Rite Works gloves were available in Pro Glo....A few years before Eagle made it really popular....

since when was the pro glo material ever popular. i dont see many peopl wearing the pro glo gloves, there awful. especially when ccm tried doing it with the radioactive line and i remember seeing easton air gloves that were pro glo, totally horrible.

Pro glow Eagle and CCM radioactive sold very well around here.

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i was told by a rep that pro glo and the like were sticking to the boards a lot and causing a lot of dilocated shoulders and hurt arms. Mind you, the rep that told me that worked for a company without any pro glo style in their line

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i was told by a rep that pro glo and the like were sticking to the boards a lot and causing a lot of dilocated shoulders and hurt arms. Mind you, the rep that told me that worked for a company without any pro glo style in their line

no its true, a guy i work with got pro glo gloves from his mens league team n said yes they did stick to boards

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