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Nikehockey.com Training page...

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Neat site! Kind of funny when Iggy talks about his best 45, gee that sounds a lot like the game seven goal against Vancouver! Guess he couldn't talk about it in too much detail with Naslund there.

I guess that's why Nazzy was firing pucks at Iggy's head...(you have to watch the commercial to see what I'm talking about.)


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It seems like Nike produces the best comercials.. There latest one where Iggys running and dodging pucks being fired by Naslund is Awesome! best hockey comm ive seen since the Naslund one where they leave the rink and fight for the puck in the city... lol, i think it was extremely well done..

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Last night, I go the rink and walk into the changeroom to find Iginla working out. He wasn't really there, but he was in mural form. A big Nike ad, life size and everything. It was Bacardi Gold rink, room 1, at the Brampton Centre. It's probably in all the rooms though.

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yeah, iginla and naslund were in vancouver promoting nikes new training thing, they have this new treadmill thing that all the sport cheks are going to be getting (well most) and all the nike stores also known as new age sports are getting them as well. Naslund will be in stores promoting the new thing showing people how to use them and just general stuff, and so will iginla at different locations... I went down to the nike training facility, but they were swamped with media about the lockout, couldn't get anything done :huh:

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yeah, iginla and naslund were in vancouver promoting nikes new training thing, they have this new treadmill thing that all the sport cheks are going to be getting (well most) and all the nike stores also known as new age sports are getting them as well. Naslund will be in stores promoting the new thing showing people how to use them and just general stuff, and so will iginla at different locations... I went down to the nike training facility, but they were swamped with media about the lockout, couldn't get anything done :huh:

Nike training facility? Never heard of it? Where is it? Is it just for hockey


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how do you get to your nike training log on the site, i cant get into the feature.

- nevermind, says its there in august.

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well i dont think its nikes training facility they just had a training thing and it was held somewhere.. but for the day it was nikes ...

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yea the hockey nike things just canadian...if you look in there store too everythings in CND money also.

Thats a awsome site...never thought much about nike before but ill use sum those exercises

"It seems like Nike produces the best comercials.. There latest one where Iggys running and dodging pucks being fired by Naslund is Awesome! best hockey comm ive seen since the Naslund one where they leave the rink and fight for the puck in the city... lol, i think it was extremely well done.. "

yea i kno that commerical was probably my favorite....that was a awsome one, This new one is pretty close of being as good as that one. I like the RBK hockey commerical also it just has a cool feeling of it

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The best hockey commercials were the old nike ones from about 5 years ago. The ones with the goalie out in full equitment as a taxi driver, or the one where he was mowing the lawn.

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haha that was a pretty awesome commercial, I hope they make more commercials, the next being Naslund running away from Iginla's shots like they had for last year, where they had the first one which was going through the streets and back to the rink, 2nd being the goalie stealing the puck and taking their cab, and the 3rd being them shown in replay over and over again by the security.

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Nike's lockout commercial was cool too. with the empty rink and melting ice...I think it is posted on here somewhere.

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