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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Justin or anyone who knows anythign about this can you rpovide me with a little more info about this league. And Justin is that you on the roster for the OC Blazers? And also on that team is Dave Hammond, is that the same one who plays for the Toronto Tigers in the Great Lakes Inline in Canada as well as York Triumph at NARCH?

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Thats the site I found...has a 2005 schedule that starts in August. And by the looks of it and from what I read it is a full contact roller league which I could potentially see leading to quite a few injuries.

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This is the same league as the Elite League from last year. It is close to the highest level of roller hockey out...Most guys who play Narch Pro, play in this. It is full contact, but most guys are not out there trying to kill someone. It is definitely good hockey...

And yes, I am playing for the Blazers this year.

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i seriously wanna move to cali just for the chance to play in this league.

last year I was out playing USA inline at Irvine and a few of the teams from the elite league played in the tournament and it was some of the best roller hockey I've ever played.

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this is really random, but speaking of elite league and stuff, my goalie coach, jeff buma, owns that league. on the otherhand, i have seen some elite league games, pretty cool and fun. like this one team the tustin rink rats against tour mudcats, i watched that game, both scott humphrey and the other goalie were good, even tho the rink rats lost.

anyway, about the league justin's in, maybe ill watch some games of his since im free this summer. watching pros is fun. :P

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Also I am sure some of you have heard of the PIHA. Well the PIHA has expanded into 2 divisions the Rocky Mountain Division (Colorado). And the Central PA conference I think they call it. You can read about the changes on this site http://www.theblast.net/typhoonhome.htm whats also cool is that the finals will be held in Colorado at the Tour hockey Rink. Which I have been lucky enough to travel to and play at. One of the nicest rinks I have ever seen.

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