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Bauer Vapor XX/XXX SR 77 flex

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I just recently got a warranty replacement for my broken Vapor XXX. My friend works at the store where I buy my gear and he just told me to take a new stick because it had been long enough of waiting to hear back from Bauer.

I had a 102 flex Vapor XXX in a Hossa pattern. Hossa is the only Bauer pattern I can use. All the store had in the Hossa pattern was Vapor XXX's in a 77 flex and Vapor XX's in 87 and 102. I thought that my 102 flex was definitely too stiff. I like the way my Easton Stealth 100 flex feels (now awaiting warranty replacement as well). It feels like an 85 IMO. I thought I would go for an 87 flex Bauer, but they didn't have it in a XXX. I wasn't too keen on the idea of getting a XX, so I went with the 77 flex, which honestly feels about the same flex as the 100 Stealth if you can believe it. That's only flexing it in the store however.

Has anyone used any of Bauer's Sr 77 flex OPS's? If so, how did you like it and what do you normally use?

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I got a warrenty replacement in an XX 77 flex. It took some getting used to and i'd definitely go with an 87 over it, but it's not so bad. I usually use 85 flex SLs and Stealths, but mine broke so i'm stuck with the 77 for the time being. The XX stick isn't near as balenced as the XXX/stealth/SL, so i guess that also may be a reason why i prefer the other 3 sticks.

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i'd say my 77 flex on my vapor seems to be about the same as an Easton 75 when they're both at full length. 87 does seem a bit stiffer than the Easton 85 though.

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i found at first my bauer xxx 87 flex closer to 100 but after about two weeks of solid use identical to an 85 flex

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I've only used it for one game so far, but I'd have to say I like it quite abit. It's definitely better than my 102 flex was. It's definitely not too whippy. It basically feels just like my 100 flex stealth did. I'll have to see if it softens up a little bit more as time goes on. So far it feels great.

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