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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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8090 Depth

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How much deeper fitting of a skate is the 8090 vs the 7000's and the XX/XXXs? Also, is it possible for someone to have somewhat narrow feet but still might need a deeper fitting skate ?

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Ok--so how can I measure myself if I need a deep skate ? I have a normal arch but definitely not thick feet. I know a couple years ago a pro shop used that Graf fitting device and said my foot type was good for the 705. So, I guess I have a medium depth foot ?

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You should've searched. There's been countless threads on how to measure for depth.

Take a ruler and put it across the third eyelet. The ruler should touch both quarters of the skate with very minimal interference from the foot. If the ruler touches your foot and the only way it could touch the boot is when you wobble it side by side, it's too shallow.

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Ok thanks, JR. Well, I just measured me ine my old XXs and my new 8090s and they both fit the same (ruler barely touches my foot). I thought the 8090s would fit deeper ?

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the 8090 skate should fit deeper. An example of a 'shallow' fitting skate would be the Vector skate while deep fitting skates would be a Flexlite 12 or 8090.

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the 8090 skate should fit deeper. An example of a 'shallow' fitting skate would be the Vector skate while deep fitting skates would be a Flexlite 12 or 8090.

the flexlite i find is pretty shallow fitting, just the toe box is a really wide thats it. it has a tight heel.

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