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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade attachment problems

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Forgive me as I just can't seem to use the search function well...so if it sounds to redundant plz don't hesitate to direct me to another thread but here goes.

I own a louisville R2 shaft and lately I've been havnig some problems because my Bauer XV blade keeps getting loose after every ice session. Prior to that I have used 2 other blades (easton hybrid synthesis, TPS R2) which did not get loose at all. I've tried the tape method and adding globs and globs of glue but it still gets loose no matter what. Should i continue to put more tape on it? I hear the hole gets stretched overtime so i'm really iffy on that. Any of you modsquaders experienced the same problems? Again i apologize if this topic has came up.

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try putting 2 strips of tape and then glob on some glue, make sure the shaft is cooled before the blade is put in

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really? i always put the blade in while the shaft is hot, i even put the heat gun pointed down inside the shaft. is that wrong? couple guys on my team do that

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I've seen guys having the same problem with Vapor X and VII standard blades in CCM and Easton shafts. I think Bauer's hosels may be somewhat thinner than msot other blade hosels.

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really? i always put the blade in while the shaft is hot, i even put the heat gun pointed down inside the shaft. is that wrong? couple guys on my team do that

I always heat the shaft and throw the blade in while it's hot and never have problems

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