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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Resp+ and Synthesis Blade

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Got a Reposnse+ shaft that the blade has snapped.

Always liked the Easton Lidstrom pattern, hence want to try to put a Synthesis blade in it.

Any advice if anyones has tried it...... best place to cut it etc etc

Cheers in advance

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I recently cut two Responses (not Response+) that had broken blades. Each stick had a different location at which the braiding stopped, so I couldn't use that to gauge the cutting point. I also couldn't pick out the fuse point.

So, I used a straightened wire hanger to hook out the foam rubber that was just above the blade, then I used the wire hanger to measure down to the tenon from the butt end. I checked the width dimension against a tapered tenon (0.520" + 2 x shaft's wall thickness).

Then I cut 2" below that, chiseled out the hard foam in the middle, and chiseled out the composite layer from the blade tenon. I chiseled out the blade tenon in thin slices, checking my work with a vernier caliper.

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im probably putting a woody synthesis in my r+ soon but if you try it first and you like it i can sell you my response and you can use it as a shaft

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