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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Price point OPS

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Hi Guys.

I am a student and in need of a new stick, but as i am a student money is a little tight, does anyone have any suggestions for good, cheap (as OPS's come!) one piece sticks. I was thinking about mission Z1 although cant find a price for them in any shops here in england.

Any ideas wud be much appreciated.


Pod :huh:

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Im just gonna chime in with my 2 cents .I've used a ton of OPS's XX, XXX, Si-core, Synergy SL, M-1, L-2 ( I know its a 2 piece), and the one thing that I've come to realize is that all OPS's break, its just a matter of which one takes longer. The ones that I have had the best luck with would be the Missions, coincidentally I had a chance to check out the Z-1's and the Easton One's this weekend both seem light years ahead of the Vapor V, but the easton feels much heavier, could be lighter, but it is definately not as balanced as the Z-1 (although the easton costs 20 bucks less. ) If I were in your shoes and hurting for money, I'd look at the Z-1 because it feels better to me. You should compare it to the Easton One, just in case you like the easton better.

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Hey Pody, i personally get most of my stuff shipped to England from america cos it usually works out cheaper. the CCM vectors are probably the most durable that ive seen. the V100 is a pretty good, lower proced stick. especially if u get a close out from last year or something.

What team do you play for and what age group?


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Thanks guys.

Which US sites do you recommend ash? i know hockeymonkey is supposed to be pretty good.

I played in GBHI midlands at derby last season but in september i'll be playing with leeds uni, and also possibly at Bipha in rotherham. Where do you play? I play senior age group.

Pod :blink:

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I am surprised no one has mentioned the tour beemer yet. I have heard some good reviews about. I havent tried it yet though. There curve selections are two limited. At 100 bucks if they had a decent curve i would give it a shot.

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