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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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profiling-pitching blade holder?worth it?

Profile...does it worth?  

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Hey guys,

I'm having a little dilemma...i could have my LS2 profiled for 30$ or put my tbade holder for 30$...i got a deal on a pizza box...so the sharpening cost is approx the same...

So everything is about the ame price...My father watch me playing and said i were backchecking really easy...(maybe it only a new skate ligther...)

Anyways, everything is not so bad...beside the backward skating(and have a bit more crunch on my blade...hollow)

Does you see guys, a big improvement by profiling your blade??

And for people who pass from t'blades to reg blades...do you feel you was better with reg blade..or couldn't get used and put t'blades again...

My only downside wih reg blade: is the fact i could get poor sharpening...if i'm out of town... but with t'blades is always the same thing!!!



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Dude, do what you want.....Youve had 10000000 topics about this, go what you think will work for you...If you like the tblades get them....

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yea i know...okay sorry guys... i jsut whanted to know if profiling a blade really help or it more BS....

Anyways,this can be locked...

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I really dont think the 100 grams or less that your new skates are lighter by will make you backcheck any faster. its not like you went from cement blocks to slippers.

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yea i know...okay sorry guys... i jsut whanted to know if profiling a blade really help or it more BS....

Anyways,this can be locked...

Profiling is not BS. That's like saying, you should not use a stick with your favorite curve pattern, because it' performs no different than all the other curves.

If you have a whole "box" of t-blades and you think you are skating better on them, why change.

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