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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cosmetic Idea for L-2 Grip Shaft

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I was just having a thought about the Mission L-2 shaft and how it would be cool if it was released in a Grip format (since I've had some sellers' remorse about selling two of my 3 M-2 Pro tapered grip shafts).

Cosmetically, how about a metallic black Cherry with silver Mission graphics and a white L-2 Grip stripe on it? Call it Cherry Corvette in keeping with the automotive theme.

Anyways, just a thought.

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Ya I say the they make the L-2 grip pink. You would get the buyers that don't care about looks and just want a high performing grip stick, and also the people that buy it just for the looks, cuz you kno how much of a buzz that pink Z-1 made.

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Ya I say the they make the L-2 grip pink. You would get the buyers that don't care about looks and just want a high performing grip stick, and also the people that buy it just for the looks, cuz you kno how much of a buzz that pink Z-1 made.

I don't care how high performing a pink shaft is. I could find a shaft that does just as well that's not pink. If it was high performing, then the cosmetic people could find one that looks good for less anyhow.

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There are way more people that would not buy the stick just because it is pink, than there are that would buy it for being pink, and even if it was really good performance whys lots of people would not buy it just because it was pink.

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