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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sharpening Vapor XXX's

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Anybody else having trouble sharpening vapor XXX skates? After struggling for a while, I realized that the metal near the punched out holes is distorted a little(warped from heat by the laser??). If you try to grab the blades anywhere near the hole areas, the skate edges do not come out level. I am using a wissota holder.

This will be a problem as the blade wears down, as I will not be have enough room left to grab the blade away from the holes and still grind a fresh edge.

Are people using other manufacturer's holders able to grab the blades over the hole area? If successful, which holders are you using. It may just be that the spacing of the two hold-down points on the wissota is bad for the XXX hole pattern in the steel.

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Make yourself a thin metal plate just smaller than the blade and it in the clamp area before you tighten. Much cheaper than finding a holder that they fit it.

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Thanks for the ideas on the previous post about sharpening Vapor XXX skates on a Wissota. I, after some observation and experimentation, found that if you place the skate into the holder very repeatably, with the left part of the hold-down stradling the left-most hole, and the right part of the hold-down stradling the right-most hole, there is enough bite in the holder to repeatably grab the skate properly.

I did think cutting the metal shim was a good idea though! Maybe someday I will need it.

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