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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i have been looking for reviews on the bauer mega 30-90 skates but cant find eny.

plz can someone post a review on them.

thx alot


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i have been looking for reviews on the bauer mega 30-90 skates but cant find eny.

plz can someone post a review on them.

thx alot


well, i cant give you a full review, but i can tell you that i have seen them in person many times, as our rep has showed htem to us on 3 occasions. Honestly, im not impressed at all. To me, they are a cheap excuse of a skate. YOU're much better off with getting the HI-HO, or going with a mission.

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I bought them around Christmas time, and I have worn them in a game once! Like HeHateMe said, they aren't very impressive. They are stiff, that is the strongest aspect of them. The One-up chassis is junk IMHO. It even looks bad, as you can see spots where they welded the metal together. Not very good construction. The toe is very roomy, but that's only because the plastic toe-box is OBSCENELY large. It's stupid looking. It looks like a Ski boot or something. I'd say quality-wise, the boot is probably on the same level as like a Vapor VI or VII, something like that. It's not a top of line boot like they market it. They were not worth the price I paid. I think they just up-specd the wheels the bearings, and charged you more for those. The boot itself is a decent $125-$175 boot. It's light and stiff. The tongue is the best part, thin and vented. But I feel they charged you alot for having Abec9 (Bauer's!) and Trinity wheels (which are not a fav of mine).

Like I said, I paid $300 for it, and I've worn them once. I agree again with HeHateMe, get something else. I'd say wait for the new Mission stuff to come out in the Fall if you can, try Tours, or maybe convert an ice boot.

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I had a pair of the previous year's version, the 20-90. I wore it 2-3 times a week for three months and couldn't break it in. The boot was too stiff for me. I had no problems with fit, they were comfortable. I just like my boot to flex a little, like the Nike skates.

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I own a pair but have not done a review because of the fact i dont play inline i just play around in them to tune my ice stride up know and then. I am personaly pleased with them but like otheres said are imposible to break in.

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I've had some for a few months now..replaced my 2090's..fit well for me out of the box..but i have a wide forefoot and high volume..never even baked them..

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