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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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O's Palmeiro suspended

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He's been tested and passed for anabolic steroids, so it could only be hgh. He's not crushing the ball, he's getting the bat around and on it.

Hal McRae never hit as good as Pujols is! And he's his hitting coach!


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Pujols is poster child for roids...look at his jawbone! Good call on that one, Mik.

The players association approved system randomly selects candidates for testing. Giambi may have tested negative for "something" but it was done in the random manner that the computer picks players by. He may have done the test to say, Hey look Im not juicing. But if the computer doesn't pick him, he can get away with juicing. No player can be selected based on specific citations of use, ie Giambi, Bonds, Pujols. It goes against the current Leage-Players Association agreement. A blind, random, selection process is used to pull players names that will be tested. Granted, anyone can get picked, but statistically, the odds are in favor of some guy, like Giambi, doing a cycle or two.

I'm not sure how many players are in MLB. Nor am I sure how often names are chosen. I just know it's random. And for a player like Giambi, who was hitting .180 and on the cusp of getting released with no one willing to pick him up, what is a little juice gonna do, when some computer picks names every so often, and there are at least several hundreds of names to choose from.

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Everyone gets tested at least once a year. Giambi's already been tested once and passed. He also has his bloodwork from his tumor treatment made available to MLB at all times. It's sorta like Lance Armstrong (the most tested person in all of sports). They make sure he's not getting an edge through anything he could be getting in his medical treatment.

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He passed. He's in the clear. If he's gotta juice, he has all the time now.

As far as the bloodwork, I was not aware of that. I'm not sure why it would be. I mean that seems to be a violation of all rights and privacy laws. Are the results available to MLB or to the Player's Association? As all us hockey fans have seen, the League and the Association are two very different monsters, and the Association is not so willing to sell-out one of it's players as much as the League is willing to snoop out potential drug users.

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