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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stickhandling/Shooting boards

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I used to have one a long time ago...my parents got it for me for Christmas but I think it got thrown away when we moved :angry:

I found one in the 1800Faceoff catalog, but it's not on their site anymore. The one they used to carry was this one, made by Viceroy -


I also found this site who makes them (expensive though!)-


I want one that's approx. 5 feet across by 3 feet.

Anyone have any recommendations or suggestions?

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The guys at Strideslide have it figured out! Yes you can always concern oneself with cost, however, understanding the biomechanics + co effiency of friction is what seperates these guys from others. There is something to be said for research and development. Hockey specific training at its finest!

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Try and order a "magic carpet" for toboganning. I used to use it under the plastic ice incase and found it was pretty much the same surface.

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I shoot off a big piece of cardboard.

Why would someone use the strideslide? I can understand using it for general hockey, but for shooting it is brutal, you should not square your skates to the puck, because from there you can't skate towards the net...

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Hey try Strideslide i've got it and its perfect but i dont know if its exactly what you want.

wow look nice, might buy this for next summer training. Can you use regular puck(an ice puck) on the shooting surface or just the puck(one or two that it's written on their website) they gave? How does it slide? like ice or less...

thanks for the info... :)

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