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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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THC ran with three brands for long enough (CCM, Jofa and Koho), so why not CCM, RBK and Adidas?  CCM for the traditional market, RBK for the preppy college kids and Adidas for the "hip urban youth" hockey players?!?!  Who knows.

RBK is Reebok's "urban" brand. In hockey RBK is top-end and Reebok is low-end.

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That pic looks like it was taken in 1978, the black holders date it pretty well, and the Baby J's too.

I had the coolest International Hockey sticker book from that same year. wish I still had it! While hockey cards were big in North America then, the European way was sticker books...they were ultra cool!


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with Grafaloy, Aldila, True Temper making composite OPS's. Are we far away from:

The Titleist Twineripper or

The Callaway Cannon or

The Cleveland "baron"

it's all getting so blurry...next the puck will have 392 dimples and get backspin.


If Titleist made a hockey stick, I'd buy one!!


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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
with Grafaloy, Aldila, True Temper making composite OPS's. Are we far away from:

The Titleist Twineripper or

The Callaway Cannon or

The Cleveland "baron"

it's all getting so blurry...next the puck will have 392 dimples and get backspin.


If Titleist made a hockey stick, I'd buy one!!


Help me out here if you would...

True Temper owns Grafalloy, yet you make it sound as if they are a seaparte company. For whom is Grafalloy making OPS?

Also, are you sure that True Temper is actually making the entire stick, or just the shaft?

I cannot understand why True Temper wastes their time with the hockey business. It makes up less than 1% of their Net Income and not even 1/2 of 1% of their Total Profit. Why waste your time on such "nothing" numbers?

Lastly, I believe that the L2 is Aldila's only remaining product in the Mission line, so, it's not like they are such a major player anymore. Last I checked, Hex-1 and Z-1 product were coming out of the Orient.

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Yes, #24 is Sergei Makarov, and I believe that pic was taken in the 1987 World Championships in Austria, not 100% sure though. The other guys are representing West Germany.

The other pic with the two Swedish guys is from the 1979 World Championships in Moscow.

But what are Baby J's?

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Yes, #24 is Sergei Makarov, and I believe that pic was taken in the 1987 World Championships in Austria, not 100% sure though. The other guys are representing West Germany.

The other pic with the two Swedish guys is from the 1979 World Championships in Moscow.

But what are Baby J's?

we used to call those little Blue Jofa Helmets, Baby J's

I still wear mine playing pickup, which is pretty stupid because I am on the Board of Directors for my provincial Brain Injury Foundation.



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with Grafaloy, Aldila, True Temper making composite OPS's. Are we far away from:

The Titleist Twineripper or

The Callaway Cannon or

The Cleveland "baron"

it's all getting so blurry...next the puck will have 392 dimples and get backspin.


If Titleist made a hockey stick, I'd buy one!!


Help me out here if you would...

True Temper owns Grafalloy, yet you make it sound as if they are a seaparte company. For whom is Grafalloy making OPS?

Also, are you sure that True Temper is actually making the entire stick, or just the shaft?

I cannot understand why True Temper wastes their time with the hockey business. It makes up less than 1% of their Net Income and not even 1/2 of 1% of their Total Profit. Why waste your time on such "nothing" numbers?

Lastly, I believe that the L2 is Aldila's only remaining product in the Mission line, so, it's not like they are such a major player anymore. Last I checked, Hex-1 and Z-1 product were coming out of the Orient.


I used to be in the know when it came to golf business stuff. I am out of the loop now though and you are evidently more up to speed than I.

Do you sell Golf Equipment? I used to. But, leave the industry for a couple years and everything changes...

are you aware of any Golf Companies that crossover well into Hockey and vice versa?



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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
I used to be in the know when it came to golf business stuff. I am out of the loop now though and you are evidently more up to speed than I.

Do you sell Golf Equipment? I used to. But, leave the industry for a couple years and everything changes...

are you aware of any Golf Companies that crossover well into Hockey and vice versa?



No, I don't sell golf equipment, but, those that currently cross over are named. I am not surprised, however, that others haven't crossed over, simpoly due to the lack of income/profit it has brought to TT.

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