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How to strengthen the ankles ?

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Hi there,

i noticed that i have weak ankle muscles and i want to train them during the summer.

Are there any exercises and tips you can tell me ?

I would appreciate it.


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Isn't there a thing that is basically a board mounted onto a ball?

Is your problem with strength or balance?

Are there really muscles in the Ankle, or you talking about calf/foot muscles.

I've heard many of my kids hockey parents being told kids need to strengthen thier ankle muscles since their ankles bend while in the skates. Almost always is it the case that they have skates that are either too loose or too big. I have to show them how to loosen the laces all the way down to get them on then show them how much room they really have. At the beginning of last season at least 3 kids had skate sizes 2! sizes too big that the parents got on ebay. "got them big so they could grow into them".

One way to stregthen calves which affect stride (if you have proper technique) is to put the ball of your foot on a piece of wood, or edge of step then go up and down. Do it on one foot at a time and you will also be working on your balance. Do the same bending at your knees and you now have a cheap way of working on your quads. I've been doing both every 2 days and my leg muscles have improved tremendously. Did not want to invest in equipment or a gym as my basement already has too much junk. Between running with ankle weights and simple isometrics, I've improved much in the past few months with leg strength. I"ve also begun exercising in 20-30 second bursts to simulate hockey better.

just my 2cents :)

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What exactly is your problem with "weak ankles?" is it your stride? your balance, or what?

All the things you mentioned :)

I would be SO happy if you guys could help me out.

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um, if it's specifically related to your ankles bending in/out when you skate, try walking around in your skates (with soakers on) with them completely untied. then try to balance so you're ankles are straight up and down. should help a lot

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I would start by trying some different plyometric exercises to try and build up muscles in your lower leg/ankle region. Here are some exercises that are really good for these muscle groups

Examples of lower body plyometric exercises with intensity level:

Standing based jumps performed on the spot (low intensity) - Tuck Jumps, Split Jumps

Jumps from standing (low-medium intensity) - Standing long jump, Standing hop, standing jump for height

Multiple jumps from standing (medium intensity) - bounds, bunny hops, double footed jumps over low hurdle, double footed jumps up steps

Multiple jumps with run in (High intensity) - 11 stride run + 2 hops and a jump into sandpit, 2 stride run in + bounds

Depth jumping (high-very high intensity) - jumps down and up off box (40 to 100cm), bounding up hill

Eccentric drop and hold drills (high-very high intensity) - hop and hold, bound/hop/bound/hop over 30 metres (athletes stops and holds on each landing before springing into the next move), drop and hold from a height greater than one metre

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Four things come to mind:

1) lay a 20 to 45 lb weight plate on the floor, sit down on a chair in front of it, put one edge of the weight plate on top of you toes of one foot, and lift the plate up a few inches. Repeat for effect!

2) walk around on your heals, ie with your toes pointed up into the air

3) single legged squats

4) every time you put your shoes/sneakers on, balance on the other foot while you are doing it

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one thing you could do, which is pretty practical is to just stand on one leg when you're brushing your teeth, cook, or what have you, because of the motions you go through, your legs and ankle muscles will have to learn to adapt by becoming stronger to support your weight and the shifts in weight

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