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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting logos off a helmet

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Those tabs that was posted would they sell them any where else other than that website in NJ?

Epuck should have them and I'm pretty sure you can order them from HockeyGiant.

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I used the black electrical tape on my helmet. It works great! Cant tell its there. I suggest you try it if your taking logos off.

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Sorry to bump an old topic but i thought i'd be a good boy and not start a new topic :D

I used nail polish remover to get the logos off my bauer 5000 and instead of taking it off cleanly it just faded the logo to a dark grey. Does anyone have any suggestions apart from using electrical tape, that i can get the rest of the logos off?


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what would be the best way to get the stickers off the back of your helmet? some of the ways menchined might work but has anyone done it before in a diferent way?

I don't know if it's similar to goof off but I've used Goo Gone on mine and it works fine.

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Couldnt you just spray paint over if you had the right color? I dont think that would be to hard if your helmet is black.

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Couldnt you just spray paint over if you had the right color? I dont think that would be to hard if your helmet is black.

Well that would void his HECC warrenty, and we don't want that do we?

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Couldnt you just spray paint over if you had the right color? I dont think that would be to hard if your helmet is black.

No, you would lose the "shine"/"gloss"

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Couldnt you just spray paint over if you had the right color? I dont think that would be to hard if your helmet is black.

Well that would void his HECC warrenty, and we don't want that do we?

Well, to those that want to remove the rear stickers, it would do the exact same thing.

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