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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate lacing variations

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So about a month and a half ago I saw a thread on MSH about different lacing styles...I tried to search it, but I cant find it anywhere...I believe it came from a new balance website...does anyone have an idea..if so please let me know. I just cant seem to get these skates laced up the right way...

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thanks again guys...Im sorry for bugging you, the search ddint realy work out for me the way I thought it would...however I appreciate you guys posting the links...yeah for whatever reason the skates im using right now seem a little too big on my left foot...(of course my right foot is bigger than my left foot.) So the right one fit perfect into size 11's while the left one needs more of a ten...wierd I know. And on the left skate it feels like my heel is sliding around inside the skate. It kinda makes me nervous about making cuts because I feel like Im gonna break my left ankle...so the heel lock looks like my best option. thanks.

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