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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jack Johnson's going to school

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It's nice to see him setting an example for other youngsters contemplating whether to go to school or not. I hate to see it when the superstar blows out a knee first season and has nothing to fall back on.

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hopefully he doesnt get hurt and throw away some coin eh. but didnt pierre mcguire say he doest think this kid should go to school cuz he's more thna ready for the NHL?

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hopefully he doesnt get hurt and throw away some coin eh. but didnt pierre mcguire say he doest think this kid should go to school cuz he's more thna ready for the NHL?

Now there's a source that I trust.

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More than likely you'll see him do what Parise did. Play NCAA for a few years and drop out when he's ready for the NHL. He could do juniors, but he's probably dreamed of playing college hockey for a while. That and there's nothing like being an athlete at a school that cares about sports. Parties and women all night every night.

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