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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A few skate questions

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Ok first off i dont need to be told to use the search function because i did find a few topics on this BUT no one answered the question or atleast so i could understand it. so here goes nothing......I just bought a pair of bauer 8090s and everything is perfect about them but the area where the toe cap meets the boot is a little narrow on the outside. (it seems as if this is a common problem) now the guy that i bought them from said it might be solved by the heat molding which it didnt so now he is going to send them to a local AHL team to get their equipment manager to punch them out. but heres where my question is what is the process of punching out an area... its just my little pinky toe/ small toe (not sure of proper term lol) do they stretch the whole skate in that area or do they just push it out in that one exact spot? does this affect durability at all?

ALSO when i got them molded, the LHS was extremely busy and me not knowing better i stood up with my skates on after they were heated and looked at the sticks to pass the time.... after i walked around in them for a minute or two he said dont stand up in them, it will break the walls... so now im concered on what "walls" he was talking about and how much i have to actually worry about this



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-Punching out will fix the exact spot.

-Does not/should not affect durability.

-You're probably OK, as long as your LHS didn't overheat your skates. They shouldn't have been baked for more than 2 minutes (same as Vapors), and they don't get that hot in such a short time, so the walls don't really get that soft.

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the bauer 8090's can be heated for 5mins since there materials of the skate are not the same as the vapors. the vapors have a thinner material hence why there so light where the 8090s have a more durable material. yes like stated you can punch out the side of your skate at your lhs.

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Hey today i was at the hockeystore and a dude tried on several skates until he found the pair he liked.

so the employee baked the skates and the guy put em on and was thinking 'i wouldnt walk around if i were you' and .. he walked through the whole store...

i was laughin inside of me. hehe

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At the lhs near me(I dont go there anymore)when I got my skates baked and everything,and I was told to go walk around and Ive never had a problem with the sole warping.

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