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Peter Jennings

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ABC, and others, are reporting that Peter Jennings died earlier today. Whenever there was a major story, I always switched over to watch him. He always seemed to be calm and never one to blow things out of proportion, yet he understood the place in history that an event would come to occupy.

Long story short, there are far too few journalists as good as he was and perhaps there will never be another like him.

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What a disease...!

Damn...it wasn't that long ago he was diagnosed was it????

That's gotta be one of my biggest fears...the big "C". Doesn't care who you are, what you do for a living or how much money you have...if it comes for you....there isn't a damn thing you can do about.


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Canadian but later gained dual citizenship.

Very sad to wake up to this news at 4am. It was pretty emotional when he announced that he had cancer a few months ago, and now it's unfortunate that he'll never be back in the chair and say, "I beat it." The next big news story on ABC will definitely be missing something...

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I loved the report he did a couple od years back about kids asking questions about what happened on september 11th. He was the greatest.

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