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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question about new skates

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It's time to buy new skates as my Graf 705 don't quite fit my foot perfectly.

In september i will go to Toronto so i will be able to try lot of different skates.

I'm interested in the new Easton skates, possibly the 1100 but i also like the 900 series.

And now some question.

Are the 900 too different from 1100?

I like a lot the "forward pitch" that graf have, what skates have a similar pitch?

I have also think about the mission pitch holder with Easton boot, it's a good idea? Because i've tried my brother Easton skates, good boot and fit perfectly, but i didnt like the lack of "forward pitch".

Were are good hockey store there? (Expecially if i have to swap the holder... i will like people that know their job...)

However i think i will buy the skates that fit better, and have a good support but i woul like also a "forward pitch"! (asking too much? :unsure: )

Thanks in advance for the help!

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well graf does make deeper fitting boots so you could always go for a 727 or a 707. if you went easton depending on how much you play would vary on the model in my honest opinion I think they all look cheap looking this year except the 1300, I say if you can find a z-air comp get that because thats a much stronger boot. as for forward pitch, a forward pitch can be put on any skate and graf has the most forward lean from all the skates that I have seen since there holder automatically comes with a 1/32nd forward lean and you can profile that to have even more of a forward lean, there also a stiff holder the cobras and depending on the steel you get they are very durable. ive had a pair of grafs for a year and ive just had to change the metal never the runner, ive never had a graf runner break on me in all my years of using them which is 9years.

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I bought the easton 900's after looking at the easton line. I wanted a "bakable" skate so that narrowed it down to the 1100 and 900 and I went with the 900 obviously. I thought that they both were relatively the same. With the 1100 you get a parabolic stainless steel runner that is supposed to increase footspeed and there are also some minor boot upgrades. After skating on the 900's though I couldn't be happier. They are light, stiff and very protective. I highly recommend them.

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I like a lot the "forward pitch" that graf have, what skates have a similar pitch?

All skates can have a forward pitch if you have the steel rocker radiused, so don't worry about what brand/model you get, they all can have the "Graf" feel.

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All skates can have a forward pitch if you have the steel rocker radiused, so don't worry about what brand/model you get, they all can have the "Graf" feel

Yes, i know that, but where i live no way to have anithing more than a bad sharpening... :angry:

So i'm a little bit afraid of letting someone work on my skates, expecially if they are new!

Anyway, a good hockey store where i can have custom radius?

Ok, in the Toronto area i think they are all good, but who knows? Even monkey fall from trees!

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Just a suggestion, but why dont you try on some missions. Unless ur stuck on eastons or grafs. I think a lot of people like how they fit and they come with the Pitch holders already.No fooling around with putting Pitch's on diffrent skates. I havent had eastons but have tried them on and i think that missions are the most comfortable skates Ive been in. Just another idea.

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Just a suggestion, but why dont you try on some missions

Of course i will do!

I want to try as much skates i can!

The Easton are the one that i like more but if the mission fits better i will buy them for sure!

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if ure gonna be in toronto - best hockey store - is " JUST HOCKEY-- SOURCE FOR SPORTS" they know evverything - quick story - my brother had serious foot problems - surgery etc etc. he gave up hockey for 3 years to let his feet reccoperate- and because it was to painfull. After deciding to give it another try he went to 3or 4 places to find skates - and nuthing would fit him without pain - He finally went to Just Hockey - where they took he boot stretched it - punched the hell out of it - and all kinds of minor surgery- to make it comfortable. Not only that my brother was undecided if he wanted to take them - because they might hurt when he gets on the ice -- they told him no problem take them - if they hurt bring them back within 30 days - full refund.

Also if u got crappy sharpenings y not go with the TBlades

think the address is 370 steeles avenue west -- right next to the tim hortons

(In between Bathurst and Younge street)

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