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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rocker - Lie and Butt End

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I think alot of people (including myself) wear the heel of the blade faster because they skate with one hand on their stick alot and hold the stick low to the ice, dragging the heel. I wouldn't choose a lie based on the wearing of my tape. I would use a 5, 5.5 or a 6 to start and just see how you shoot, stick-handle and send and receive passes. Then go from there. If you are having trouble taking passes, odds are you should try a new lie, but even more importantly...work on you hand eye coordination. I can take a pass almost anywhere from in my skates to way out in front of me with a 5 lie, so it's just a matter of liking the way your stick feels all around and then practice, practice, practice. Good luck!

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I think alot of people (including myself) wear the heel of the blade faster because they skate with one hand on their stick alot and hold the stick low to the ice, dragging the heel. I wouldn't choose a lie based on the wearing of my tape. I would use a 5, 5.5 or a 6 to start and just see how you shoot, stick-handle and send and receive passes. Then go from there. If you are having trouble taking passes, odds are you should try a new lie, but even more importantly...work on you hand eye coordination. I can take a pass almost anywhere from in my skates to way out in front of me with a 5 lie, so it's just a matter of liking the way your stick feels all around and then practice, practice, practice. Good luck!

Well, I know for sure the 5.5 lie is way too much. Last night I was playing in a game and as I cut into the slot and did a couple quick dangles, I lost the puck and felt it go under the toe.

Before the game I was watching a couple guys at sticktime shooting on a goaltender. One of the guys was very, very good (like division 1 good) and everytime he stickhandled, the blade was flat on the ice. When he was just snapping off shots from the high slot, same thing - blade was completely on the ice. Coincidentally, he had a great shot and was a great stickhandler ;).

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