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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM replacement steel

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I've had my skates changed from a 8' to 9' radius and like it a lot better. In fact I was thinking of even going to a 10' or maybe even 11'. One thing that surpised me though was how much of the blade was "cross ground" to create the new radius. I can't think you can do that too many times. My skates are '04 CCM ProTacks with the Prolite 3 holder.

There are two bolts that appear to hold the steel to the holder, so I'm guessing that if you wanted you could un bolt the old one and put in a new blade, right?

Where can you buy these? I can't find them anywhere on the web.

Can you change just the steel on other holders? I don't see any screws the TUUKS, for instance.



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Just to make it clear, there are many types of radius machines. Some do not crossgrind at all. The problem with crossgrining is that it removes the hollow, which then needs to be put back on. This takes off steel. Newer computer machines grind in the radius at the hollow that is on the skate. Very little metal removed.

Yes, CCM steel can be unbolted easy and blades changed in minutes. All you need is a screwdriver and a 8mm socket. You can find both the steel and hardware at your dealer or on the internet.

Tuuk screws are on the inside, access is under the footbed.

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Try going to noicingsports.com. I was looking at it the other day. They will radius the blades for you. Doesn't look like a bad deal either. I was thinking of changing the radius of my skates as well, feel a little flat on the factory rocker of my Tacks.

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when profiling you have to cross grind the blades so you can create the set profile,using a machine rather than a human being. a machine doesnt stop halfway through to check the blade heights or let the skate cool down. the machin would keep on going until the profile is done and if it sharpens it also it can cause a burnt blade and the steel there is garbage and will take a couple sharpenings to get to the better steel. a human profiling a skate will be more consistent and less damaging to the life of the steel. also ccm discontinued there prolite holder but the e-holder or the holder on the new pro tack and rbk and vector skates. the steel will fit the same since that holder was originally on the koho skates when they were first released.

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when profiling you have to cross grind the blades so you can create the set profile,using a machine rather than a human being. a machine doesnt stop halfway through to check the blade heights or let the skate cool down. the machin would keep on going until the profile is done and if it sharpens it also it can cause a burnt blade and the steel there is garbage and will take a couple sharpenings to get to the better steel. a human profiling a skate will be more consistent and less damaging to the life of the steel. also ccm discontinued there prolite holder but the e-holder or the holder on the new pro tack and rbk and vector skates. the steel will fit the same since that holder was originally on the koho skates when they were first released.

Absolutely not!

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ccm discontinued there prolite holder but the e-holder or the holder on the new pro tack and rbk and vector skates. the steel will fit the same since that holder was originally on the koho skates when they were first released.

So I don't need to stockpile blades?

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ccm discontinued there prolite holder but the e-holder or the holder on the new pro tack and rbk and vector skates. the steel will fit the same since that holder was originally on the koho skates when they were first released.

So I don't need to stockpile blades?

Stockpile, no reason. Until they change steel design their availability is abundant

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