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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Skates...newbie...kinda

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i have been playing ice hockey for the last 15 years. im 19 now and have played AAA travel, AA house and highschool. im from wisconsin and consider myself a very good skater. im making the move to florida for college and wanted to get some roller hockey started at my school...to my knowledge there is nothing going on, but i wanted to join in on some leagues around there. first off, i would need some skates... currently i have some really old missions proto vi or something 5-3 stiffness rating. im not sure what it means but anywho i tied them up and they just felt horrible on my feet. way too narrow and just way too flexible.

i have a wider foot, very small-flat arch. what skate would best suit me? i was kinda interested into getting a ice hockey skate, putting some chassis (ebay) on them and then transfering the ice holder when i move back home for the summer. i have the guy in a shop putting skates together for free for me...so really its up to your opinions...

what skate would be better for my foot type, as well as...is it a bad idea to go from ice skates and converting them?

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Im not very knowledgeable about Roller Hockey, but you can take ice skates and convert them.

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As for startinga RH program at your school I think it's very possible.

I don't know if you've researched it but all you have to do is create some interest. Find enough people that would want to play or be part of the club as a "coach, asst. coach" etc.

Make sure they're students and get your student council or budgeting commitee (via petition/or whatever the recognition procedure is for your school) to recognize you as a student organization. My school has crap like ball room dancing club so you can do it.

That's exactly how the RH team at my school started.

They might give you didly squat at first, but that should be enough for local league fees, and maybe court time.

Eventually you move onto fun stuff like team uni's/bags/tournaments/traveling fees.....and if your budget is big enough team helmets/gloves blah blah blah blah.

Sorry if I'm rambling or if you already knew all that, I just really hope it works out for you!

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If you have a wider foot look into the CCM PF8s. The D width is a little wider than other skates and are pretty stiff. I've had mine for like 7-8 months now and are holding up really nice. I've been playing more ice than roller in those months but I've been using them about once or twice a week.

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Find your custom size in a Graf 703 or 705 and add a nice labeda, red star, or mission hi-lo chassis. The Bomb chassis would be ideal, but red star is okay too. You'll be better off with an ice boot having used them for so long - why learn an inline boot? Be sure to experiment with the rocker on the boot and chassis you want or ask around here for people who have tried what youre after. You don't want a bad rocker or you'd be better off with a new pair of inline skates.

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I have played inline most of my life, and every skate setup i have had has been a converted inline setup. I havn't had any problems at all. I also have wide flat feet. I skated in CCM tacks primarily in the past, but I converted a Mission S500 for my current setup. It is the best fitting skate I have ever used. It sounds like we have similar feet, I wear an E width mission ice skate. Take a look at the s400, great skate for the money and you can get a free stick right now.

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What skates do you currently use for ice? It wouldn't be a bad idea to just get what you like for ice and throw a roller chassis on them, or you could possibly find an inline skate line that corresponds to your favorite ice line (ie ccm vectors, bauer mega 90s, nike quests).

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