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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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State Wars

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I just got back from IL yesterday and honestly the tourny I thought was a huge let down. I had more fun one night in downtown chicago then I did 4 days at the rinks. What did everyone else who went think about the tourny or their trip in general?

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I was wondering that myself.

I did not attend but I have heard it is just a huge joke, with the teams from CA, MI, and NY (teams comprised of not even the best players in those states) just raping the other states.

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Well I don't even think my state (Iowa) fielded a team. I was supposed to try out but something came up and I couldn't make it. I would imagine that MI, CA, and NY would dominate. MI has many of the nations best college inline clubs, and CA and NY have sheer populace on their side. I'm sure the organizers made a boat load of money though. Isn't that all that matters to them?

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I am doing really well Theo! How're you?

LOL! I am still a Kings fan. It's not like Jason played a lot while he was here anyways.

I want sure if it was you..... How ya doing? Long time no talk..... ;)

Anyway I wouldnt say the big states did a "raping"... A lot of the other non well known states did well...NC finished 3rd 4th and 3rd I think and the N 94's right now are 5-0 and beat Cali.....

Ive heard form many people that this was one of the best tournaments they had ever attended

BTW Thomas Stahl is a freak of nature

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