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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what to do with strip bolt?

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Hi guys, Im currently using a labeda sensor frame and one of my bolts have been stripped. The hexagon shape for the allen keys is now a complete round circle, and it is even more worst now that i have tried to jam it with many tools hoping to catch an edge and unscrew the bolt. Just wondering what i can do.


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HI, what I do is

-Find a small flat head screwdriver (not much bigger than the diagonal length of the allen key indent of the bolt)

-Hammer in the screwdriver

-Turn and release the bolt!!!

Hope it works for you :rolleyes:

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Or, you can go to your local hardware store and get a small punch. Then, use the punch and a small hammer to tap the axle loose. Point the punch in the direction you would turn the axle to loosen it. I am guessing that the axle is not that tight, so it should come out fairly easy.

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I've seen drill bits advertised on TV which purport to be good at turning bolts/screws which are stripped. I think they were made by Craftsman which is sold at Sears.

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yeah ive tried using the flathead but the metal inside is so weak that all i do is keep scraping out the metal making it worst. I dont know why the metal is so weak inside. Running out of options. At my LHS they said its going to cost about 15bucks to remove which i think is rediculous.

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I've seen drill bits advertised on TV which purport to be good at turning bolts/screws which are stripped. I think they were made by Craftsman which is sold at Sears.

They are called easy out's (screw extractors) Your local hardware store will also have them.

easy out screw extractors

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I have had this happen a few times

If all else fails just Drill it out, but be careful and take you time as not to mess up your chassi

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