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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 4k Stick

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i am looking at the RBk 4k stick and it lo9oks good but is quite cheep (not that im complaining!) i was wondering if anyone has one or what people think of it



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I've heard a lot of good things for Vapor VI as well, but the 4k I have also heard good things about, quite durable, but the blade chips pretty easily

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I've heard a lot of good things for  Vapor VI as well, but the 4k I have also heard good things about, quite durable, but the blade chips pretty easily

The blade on the 5K chips VERY easy, so I would imagine the 4K is not any better.

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The 4K seems to be holding up as well as all the other cheap OPS. Some customers who have tried it have come back for a second one so it must be OK. BTW, all sticks chip on the tip, it happens when you drag your stick on the boards.

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