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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best ops for puckhandling

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I prefer my Easton Typhoon shaft w/ a cheap Easton woodblade over a Easton Stealth that I tried out during the IIHF Camp in China I was at...

Strange :huh:

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I prefer my Easton Typhoon shaft w/ a cheap Easton woodblade over a Easton Stealth that I tried out during the IIHF Camp in China I was at...

Strange :huh:

Not strange at all....I prefer my Easton Ultra lite (Zbub paint) with my nike querst 2 blade over my stealth because of the feel....Thats prob. why you like it better I know that why i do, the puck feel is horrendous...I feel like im using a plastic blade, though I do have a little more snap on my shots ( could be the lower flex though)

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I prefer my Easton Typhoon shaft w/ a cheap Easton woodblade over a Easton Stealth that I tried out during the IIHF Camp in China I was at...

Strange  :huh:

Not strange at all....I prefer my Easton Ultra lite (Zbub paint) with my nike querst 2 blade over my stealth because of the feel....Thats prob. why you like it better I know that why i do, the puck feel is horrendous...I feel like im using a plastic blade, though I do have a little more snap on my shots ( could be the lower flex though)

Yup... I'll admit that my shots were better with the Stealth, but the feel was horrible.

Nice and light, I'll say... amazingly so. But the feel...well, thats a totally different matter.

I'd be scared to take a $300 (is it?) stick and play in a checking league though :(

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