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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy blade

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I searched but found nothing, so here goes, i snapped my synergy (second time using it) and i was gonna get it fixed but i thought wats the point, so i have a few questions, i remember reading about being able to heat a XX up and pull out the blade so

1)Can you do this with a synergy?

2)Could someone tell me were-abouts the 'fuse point' is

3)And can you re-use the blade?


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I searched but found nothing, so here goes, i snapped my synergy (second time using it) and i was gonna get it fixed but i thought wats the point, so i have a few questions, i remember reading about being able to heat a XX up and pull out the blade so

1)Can you do this with a synergy?

2)Could someone tell me were-abouts the 'fuse point' is

3)And can you re-use the blade?


1) no the blade and the shaft are fused together.

2) some people on this site have given spots but the best way to do it is just look for the fuse point, its realitively obvious on my synergies, but its after the bottomn patent pending on most synergies but it depends.

3) NO

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Also i'm not sure if your stick was pro-stock or just out of warrenty but if it's still in the 30 day warrenty send it back.. IMO a stick should not snap during the second ice time.

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IMO a stick should not snap during the second ice time.

Unless you werent using it to shoot or pass the puck. (Ie/ banging it or something)

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IMO a stick should not snap during the second ice time.

That's what the warranty is intended for, factory defects. It's not some type of endurance test.

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if it snapped above the fuse point, you can shave down the end with a file, and turn it in to a synthesis blade.

if you broke it at the blade, there are several articles on what you can do, just do a search

but the short version,

just cut a little bit at a time, and then stick in a sythesis blade.

or cut at the fuse line, and use a dremel to hollow out the old tendon, you should be able to see a faint line approx 3" above the heel.

or flip it around and use a standard blade, cut to fit.

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It snapped just after the E in easton at the top of the shaft

Easton {Synergy} E(here)aston

I would like to make it in to a tapered blade(if its possible) could anyone explain

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Thats right where I broke my si-core, and I've seen a lot of other sticks break right about there.... Theres not much you can do about it except cut it and give it to a little kid. I dont know about making it into a tapered blade, I don't think it would last very long before the hossel would break.

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OFF TOPICS-But didn't whanted to make a new topic for it...how is the balance of the synthesis paired with a synthesis blade?? compared to the synergy??

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