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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fury of One

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Correct me if I am wrong, but I think those skates look just about as ugly as the bauer 30-90's. As for what Justin said, I can whole heartidly back him up. None of these companies i.e. Bauer Nike Rebok have customer service that could stack up to missions, and as for the companies puting money back into the sport they dont. Mission, Tour, Hyper, Rink Rat, and others, may be smaller than the 'big' companies, but you see alot of effort from them to keep the sport growing and flourishing. Now by no means am I telling you to not give your money to the 'big' companies, but I think that we should try to support the companies that try to support us.

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I had thought micro-bearings were on their way out of the market.  Seems kind of weird seeing them as stock on a new skate.

Mission's is going to be too I believe.

Our top two skates have 688 bearings....

On a side note, why don't people support brands that actually support Roller Hockey? Why do they support brands that come in and just try to make a buck? Meanwhile rinks are closing and roller hockey is getting less and less participants. When was the last time that some of thes big companies did anything at the grassroots level or anything that would benefit the sport? I would rather people buy Tour skates, than some of these "big" brands..

This is my personal point of view and has nothing to do with Mission....

Just support the companies that are trying to grow the sport.

is it really that bad down there? up here in canada roller hockey is getting more and more popular and the leagues just keep on getting bigger and bigger. I think B.C which has the pitch league is the biggest roller hockey league in canada... they also started a toronto league this year. we also have a place called sportsplex which has two roller hockey rinks with sportscourt year round. i think you mission guys can move up here and maybe let me demo your skates ;)

oh a personal note i've been mission ice skates for the last two years and mission roller hockey skates until i got the CCM PF10's. i just go with that feels good and you have to admin last years missions kinda of sucked....

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That is why I always get ice boots converted.

Doesn't matter what brand be it Mission, Tour or the CCM Vectors, I constantly see guys with these skates having issues. E.g. Eyelets & outsoles on new missions, Eyelets on Vectors and chassis on Tours.

I have had ice boots converted and they just seem better made..... although those new RBK's do look cooler than my 8k ice boots I have had converted with a OneUp Chassis on them.

I have just got some micro bearings in the new Labeda wheels and when I turn they seem to "click". Any one else have this issue with 688's?

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I used to have that issue with my minis when i still used them. I think the clicking for me was from dust getting into them and not lubeing them up after games and stuff. In 2 weeks from when i first heard the clicking in the bearings.. they broke down.. hopefully now since mission is using them on there models and tours are using them on the code1s and the new version of the bluemax and the new version of the redmax.. hopefully they will be better made. As for me.. im gonna stick to my D1c's which is my 2nd pair in 2 years and i love them.. loving the mission skates year after year

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Stampede, you may want to check the core on your wheels, Labeda has had a small % of bad cores get through the production line, although they have fixed the problem, there are some of the defects on the market. If you do have a Labeda Genesis mini bearing wheel with a cracked core they will replace them with no hassle.

Earlier someone mentioned why are Mini's now being used by some of the companies, the main reason is the improvement in quality, compared to mini's of years ago.

I also want to thank Justin for the comment about Tour, we may be competitors but we have an appreciation for Mission's leadership. They put the money back into the sport, this is more than I can say for some of the other companies.

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I also want to thank Justin for the comment about Tour, we may be competitors but we have an appreciation for Mission's leadership. They put the money back into the sport, this is more than I can say for some of the other companies.

Anytime....I truly believe we can all make a living as long as we grow the sport....

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