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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Cell Phone

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Yesterday i finally got my cell phone. I bought a Telus LG 6190 the fast tap key pad thingy. My text messaging isnt working, but i know i have it, Im wondering if anyone can help?

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I called Telus and they said that Text Messaging takes around 24 hours to activate, but they were having problems so around 24-48 hours.

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I just got my Telus v710 a few days ago and I downloaded a Ringtone and I go "Apply as Ring Tone" but if someone calls it isnt the Ring Tone thats plays. I dont know if it means anything but there is a lock beside the ring tones name. If i go settings>personalize>sound settings>ring stlyes>soft detail...the heading Calls: has a different ring tone there and the one i downloaded isnt in the list to choose from.

I think the Lock beside the downloaded ring tune in the sounds file may have something to do with it.


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You could have setted it for Call Display Ring or Text Messege Ring or something like that. On my phone, I can have three different rings for differnet things.

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I just got my Telus v710 a few days ago and I downloaded a Ringtone and I go "Apply as Ring Tone" but if someone calls it isnt the Ring Tone thats plays. I dont know if it means anything but there is a lock beside the ring tones name. If i go settings>personalize>sound settings>ring stlyes>soft detail...the heading Calls: has a different ring tone there and the one i downloaded isnt in the list to choose from.

I think the Lock beside the downloaded ring tune in the sounds file may have something to do with it.


The lock just means you can't send it to other phones. Or atleast that's how it works with my Rogers much music phone.

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