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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forsberg for life

Graf 502 SE

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IMO the new line of 502 SE's look bush compared to Great White's...

Why not just release GW's retail instead?

because it costs too much for the white leather thats why graf wont release a stock great white even though the 735 did have a white option for stock but none of the businesses wanted it they felt it was too flashy

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are these GW's hard to find in the u.s. ? i know of two stores in calgary that sell normal GW's not the 502 se

I have not seen one person around here with them.And none of the shops that I know of in New England stock them.

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are these GW's hard to find in the u.s. ? i know of two stores in calgary that sell normal GW's not the 502 se

I have not seen one person around here with them.And none of the shops that I know of in New England stock them.

really? here they are very popular, lots of people have them.

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IMO the new line of 502 SE's look bush compared to Great White's...

Why not just release GW's retail instead?

because it costs too much for the white leather thats why graf wont release a stock great white even though the 735 did have a white option for stock but none of the businesses wanted it they felt it was too flashy

But they have silver clarino, that must be just as pricey, right?

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are these GW's hard to find in the u.s. ? i know of two stores in calgary that sell normal GW's not the 502 se

I have not seen one person around here with them.And none of the shops that I know of in New England stock them.

really? here they are very popular, lots of people have them.

Yes,I never even heard about or saw them ,before I found this site.

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IMO the new line of 502 SE's look bush compared to Great White's...

Why not just release GW's retail instead?

because it costs too much for the white leather thats why graf wont release a stock great white even though the 735 did have a white option for stock but none of the businesses wanted it they felt it was too flashy

But they have silver clarino, that must be just as pricey, right?

no the leather on the 502 se is black

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IMO the new line of 502 SE's look bush compared to Great White's...

Why not just release GW's retail instead?

because it costs too much for the white leather thats why graf wont release a stock great white even though the 735 did have a white option for stock but none of the businesses wanted it they felt it was too flashy

But they have silver clarino, that must be just as pricey, right?

no the leather on the 502 se is black

The new 502 SE's have silver clarino on the outside where the black clarino/great white usually is. It's shiny

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are these GW's hard to find in the u.s. ? i know of two stores in calgary that sell normal GW's not the 502 se

thats because the factory is there and much more accesible

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IMO the new line of 502 SE's look bush compared to Great White's...

Why not just release GW's retail instead?

because it costs too much for the white leather thats why graf wont release a stock great white even though the 735 did have a white option for stock but none of the businesses wanted it they felt it was too flashy

But they have silver clarino, that must be just as pricey, right?

no the leather on the 502 se is black

The new 502 SE's have silver clarino on the outside where the black clarino/great white usually is. It's shiny

Is this the skate you're talking about with silver on the outside?


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are these GW's hard to find in the u.s. ? i know of two stores in calgary that sell normal GW's not the 502 se

I have not seen one person around here with them.And none of the shops that I know of in New England stock them.

We stocked them in my shop this past year and will have them this year as well. But we ordered ours with the cobra's, t-blade was too difficult to deal with when we needed another order of them mid season.

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IMO the new line of 502 SE's look bush compared to Great White's...

Why not just release GW's retail instead?

because it costs too much for the white leather thats why graf wont release a stock great white even though the 735 did have a white option for stock but none of the businesses wanted it they felt it was too flashy

But they have silver clarino, that must be just as pricey, right?

no the leather on the 502 se is black

The new 502 SE's have silver clarino on the outside where the black clarino/great white usually is. It's shiny

Is this the skate you're talking about with silver on the outside?


Yea, except those are not 502's. Same color on them though

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